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Articles (letters, editorials and comments excluded) in journals with JIF (2014) above 10

  1. Coscolla M, Copin R, Sutherland J, Gehre F, De Jong B, Owolabi O, Mbayo G, Giardina F, Ernst JD, Gagneux S. M. tuberculosis T cell epitope analysis reveals paucity of antigenic variation and identifies rare variable TB antigens. Cell Host and Microbe 2015; 18(5): 538-548.
  2. Angood C, McGrath M, Mehta S, Mwangome M, Lung’aho M, Roberfroid D, Perry A, Wilkinson C, Israel AD, Bizouerne C, Haider R, Seal A, Berkley JA, Kerac M. Research priorities to improve the management of acute malnutrition in infants aged less than six months (MAMI). PLoS Medicine 2015; 12(4): e1001812.
  3. Havelaar AH, Kirk MD, Torgerson PR, Gibb HJ, Hald T, Lake RJ, Praet N, Bellinger DC, de Silva NR, Gargouri N, Speybroeck N, Cawthorne A, Mathers C, Stein C, Angulo FJ, Devleesschauwer B. World Health Organization global estimates and regional comparisons of the burden of foodborne disease in 2010. PLoS Medicine 2015; 12(12): e1001923.
  4. Torgerson PR, Devleesschauwer B, Praet N, Speybroeck N, Willingham AL, Kasuga F, Rokni MB, Zhou XN, Fevre EM, Sripa B, Gargouri N, Furst T, Budke CM, Carabin H, Kirk MD, Angulo FJ, Havelaar A, de Silva N. World Health Organization estimates of the global and regional disease burden of 11 foodborne parasitic diseases, 2010: a data synthesis. PLoS Medicine 2015; 12(12): e1001920.
  5. Kirk MD, Pires SM, Black RE, Caipo M, Crump JA, Devleesschauwer B, Dopfer D, Fazil A, Fischer-Walker CL, Hald T, Hall AJ, Keddy KH, Lake RJ, Lanata CF, Torgerson PR, Havelaar AH, Angulo FJ. World Health Organization estimates of the global and regional disease burden of 22 foodborne bacterial, protozoal, and viral diseases, 2010: a data synthesis. PLoS Medicine 2015; 12(12): e1001921.
  6. Van der Auwera G, Dujardin JC. Species typing in dermal leishmaniasis. Clinical Microbiology Reviews 2015; 28(2): 265-294.
  7. Newton PN, Schellenberg D, Ashley EA, Ravinetto R, Green MD, Kuile FO, Tabernero P, White NJ, Guerin PJ. Quality assurance of drugs used in clinical trials: proposal for adapting guidelines. BMJ 2015; 350: h602.
  8. Worldwide Antimalarial Resistance Network (WWARN) AL Dose Impact Study Group. The effect of dose on the antimalarial efficacy of artemether-lumefantrine: a systematic review and pooled analysis of individual patient data. Lancet Infectious Diseases 2015; 15(5): 692-702.
  9. Diro E, van Griensven J, Mohammed R, Colebunders R, Asefa M, Hailu A, Lynen L. Atypical manifestations of visceral leishmaniasis in patients with HIV in north Ethiopia: a gap in guidelines for the management of opportunistic infections in resource poor settings. Lancet Infectious Diseases 2015; 15(1): 122-129.
  10. Wong VK, Baker S, Pickard DJ, Parkhill J, Page AJ, Feasey NA, Kingsley RA, Thomson NR, Keane JA, Weill FX, Edwards DJ, Hawkey J, Harris SR, Mather AE, Cain AK, Hadfield J, Hart PJ, Thieu NT, Klemm EJ, Glinos DA, Breiman RF, Watson CH, Kariuki S, Gordon MA, Heyderman RS, Okoro C, Jacobs J, Lunguya O, Edmunds WJ, Msefula C, Chabalgoity JA, Kama M, Jenkins K, Dutta S, Marks F, Campos J, Thompson C, Obaro S, MacLennan CA, Dolecek C, Keddy KH, Smith AM, Parry CM, Karkey A, Mulholland EK, Campbell JI, Dongol S, Basnyat B, Dufour M, Bandaranayake D, Naseri TT, Singh SP, Hatta M, Newton P, Onsare RS, Isaia L, Dance D, Davong V, Thwaites G, Wijedoru L, Crump JA, De Pinna E, Nair S, Nilles EJ, Thanh DP, Turner P, Soeng S, Valcanis M, Powling J, Dimovski K, Hogg G, Farrar J, Holt KE, Dougan G. Phylogeographical analysis of the dominant multidrug-resistant H58 clade of Salmonella Typhi identifies inter- and intracontinental transmission events. Nature Genetics 2015; 47(2): 632-639.
  11. Carroll MW, Matthews DA, Hiscox JA, Elmore MJ, Pollakis G, Rambaut A, Hewson R, Garcia-Dorival I, Bore JA, Koundouno R, Abdellati S, Afrough B, Aiyepada J, Akhilomen P, Asogun D, Atkinson B, Badusche M, Bah A, Bate S, Baumann J, Becker D, Becker-Ziaja B, Bocquin A, Borremans B, Bosworth A, Boettcher JP, Cannas A, Carletti F, Castilletti C, Clark S, Colavita F, Diederich S, Donatus A, Duraffour S, Ehichioya D, Ellerbrok H, Fenandez-Garcia MD, Fizet A, Fleischmann E, Gryseels S, Hermelink A, Hinzmann J, Hopf-Guevara U, Ighodalo Y, Jameson L, Kelterbaum A, Kis Z, Kloth S, Kohl C, Korva M, Kraus A, Kuisma E, Kurth A, Liedigk B, Logue CH, Ludtke A, Maes P, McCowen J, Mely S, Mertens M, Meschi S, Meyer B, Michel J, Molkenthin P, Munoz-Fontela C, Muth D, Newman EN, Ngabo D, Oestereich L, Okosun J, Olokor T, Omiunu R, Omomoh E, Pallasch E, Palyi B, Portmann J, Pottage T, Pratt C, Priesnitz S, Quartu S, Rappe J, Repits J, Richter M, Rudolf M, Sachse A, Schmidt KM, Schudt G, Strecker T, Thom R, Thomas S, Tobin E, Tolley H, Trautner J, Vermoesen T, Vitoriano I, Wagner M, Wolff S, Yue C, Capobianchi MR, Kretschmer B, Hall Y, Kenny JG, Rickett NY, Dudas G, Coltart CE, Kerber R, Steer D, Wright C, Senyah F, Keita S, Drury P, Diallo B, De Clerck H, Van Herp M, Sprecher A, Traore A, Diakite M, Konde MK, Koivogui L, Magassouba N, Avsic-Zupanc T, Nitsche A, Strasser M, Ippolito G, Becker S, Stoecker K, Gabriel M, Raoul H, Di Caro A, Wolfel R, Formenty P, Gunther S. Temporal and spatial analysis of the 2014-2015 Ebola virus outbreak in West Africa. Nature 2015; 523(7563): 97-106.
  12. Pinder M, Jawara M, Jarju LBS, Salami K, Jeffries D, Adiamoh M, Bojang K, Correa S, Kandeh B, Kaur H, Conway DJ, D’Alessandro U, Lindsay SW. Efficacy of indoor residual spraying with dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane against malaria in Gambian communities high usage of long-lasting insecticidal mosquito nets: a cluster-randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2015; 385(9976): 1436-1446.

Articles (letters, editorials and comments excluded) in journals with JIF (2014) more than 4 and lower than 10

  1. Afolabi MO, McGrath N, D’Alessandro U, Kampmann B, Imoukhuede EB, Ravinetto RM, Alexander N, Larson HJ, Chandramohan D, Bojang K. A multimedia consent tool for research participants in the Gambia: a randomized controlled trial. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2015; 93: 320-328A.
  2. McDonald SA, Devleesschauwer B, Speybroeck N, Hens N, Praet N, Torgerson PR, Havelaar AH, Wu F, Tremblay M, Amene EW, Döpfer D. Data-driven methods for imputing national-level incidence in global burden of disease studies. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2015; 93(4): 228-236.
  3. Quet F, Vlieghe E, Leyer C, Buisson Y, Newton PN, Naphayvong P, Keoluangkhot V, Chomarat M, Longuet C, Steenkeste N, Jacobs J. Antibiotic prescription behaviours in Lao People’s Democratic Republic: a knowledge, attitude and practice survey. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2015; 93(4): 219-227.
  4. Hendrickx S, Eberhardt E, Mondelaers A, Rijal S, Bhattarai NR, Dujardin JC, Delputte P, Cos P, Maes L. Lack of correlation between the promastigote back-transformation assay and miltefosine treatment outcome. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 2015; 70(11): 3023-3026.
  5. Oriero EC, Jacobs J, Van geertruyden JP, Nwakanma D, D’Alessandro U. Molecular-based isothermal tests for field diagnosis of malaria and their potential contribution to malaria elimination. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 2015; 70(1): 2-13.
  6. Torrea G, Coeck N, Desmaretz C, Van De Parre T, Van Poucke T, Lounis N, de Jong BC, Rigouts L. Bedaquiline susceptibility testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in an automated liquid culture system. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 2015; 70(8): 2300-2305.
  7. Denison JA, Koole O, Tsui S, Menten J, Torpey K, Van Praag E, Mukadi YD, Colebunders R, Auld AF, Agolory S, Kaplan J, Mulenga M, Kwesigabo G, Wabwire-Mangen F, Bangsberg DR. Incomplete adherence among treatment-experienced adults on antiretroviral therapy in Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia. AIDS 2015; 29(3): 361-371.
  8. Grant RM, Liegler T, Defechereux P, Kashuba AD, Taylor D, Abdel-Mohsen M, Deese J, Fransen K, De Baetselier I, Crucitti T, Bentley G, Agingu W, Ahmed K, Van Damme L. Drug resistance and plasma viral RNA level after ineffective use of oral pre-exposure prophylaxis in women. AIDS 2015; 29(3): 331-337.
  9. Gryseels C, Uk S, Sluydts V, Durnez L, Phoeuk P, Suon S, Set S, Heng S, Siv S, Gerrets R, Tho S, Coosemans M, Peeters Grietens K. Factors influencing the use of topical repellents: implications for the effectiveness of malaria elimination strategies. Scientific Reports 2015; 5(16847): 1-14.
  10. Peeters Grietens K, Gryseels C, Dierickx S, Bannister-Tyrrell M, Trienekens S, Uk S, Phoeuk P, Suon S, Set S, Gerrets R, Hoibak S, Muela Ribera J, Hausmann-Muela S, Tho S, Durnez L, Sluydts V, D’Alessandro U, Coosemans M, Erhart A. Characterizing types of human mobility to inform differential and targeted malaria elimination strategies in Northeast Cambodia. Scientific Reports 2015; 5(16837): 1-12.
  11. Moreau M, Spencer C, Gozalbes JG, Colebunders R, Lefevre A, Gryseels S, Borremans B, Gunther S, Becker D, Bore JA, Koundouno FR, Di Caro A, Wölfel R, Decroo T, Van Herp M, Peetermans L, Camara AM. Lactating mothers infected with ebola virus; EBOV RT-PCR of blood only may be insufficient. Eurosurveillance 2015; 20(3): pi=21017.
  12. Becker SL, Chatigre JK, Gohou JP, Coulibali JT, Leuppi R, Polman K, Chappuis F, Mertens P, Hermann M, N’Goran EK, Utzinger J, von Müller L. Combined stool-based multiplex PCR and microscopy for enhanced pathogen detection in patients with persistent diarrhoea and asymptomatic controls from Côte d’Ivoire. Clinical Microbiology and Infection 2015; 21(6): 591.e1-591.e10.
  13. Oriero EC, Van geertruyden JP, Jacobs J, D’Alessandro U, Nwakanma D. Validation of an apicoplast genome target for the detection of Plasmodium species using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and loop mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP). Clinical Microbiology and Infection 2015; 21(7): 686.e1-686.e7.
  14. Verschueren J, Cnops L, Van Esbroeck M. Twelve years of dengue surveillance in Belgian travelers and significant increases of cases in 2010 and 2013. Clinical Microbiology and Infection 2015; 21(9): 867-872.
  15. Ilboudo H, Camara O, Ravel S, Bucheton B, Lejon V, Camara M, Kabore J, Jamonneau V, Deborggraeve S. Trypanosoma brucei gambiense spliced leader RNA is a more specific marker for cure of human African trypanosomiasis than T.b. gambiense DNA. Journal of Infectious Diseases 2015; 212(12): 1996-1998.
  16. Walter ND, Dolganov GM, Garcia BJ, Worodria W, Andama A, Musisi E, Ayakaka I, Van TT, Voskuil MI, de Jong BC, Davidson RM, Fingerlin TE, Kechris K, Palmer C, Nahid P, Daley CL, Geraci M, Huang L, Cattamanchi A, Strong M, Schoolnik GK, Davis JL. Transcriptional adaptation of drug-tolerant Mycobacterium tuberculosis during treatment of human tuberculosis. Journal of Infectious Diseases 2015; 212(6): 990-998.
  17. Ochodo EA, Gopalakrishna G, Spek B, Reitsma JB, van Lieshout L, Polman K, Lamberton P, Bossuyt PM, Leeflang MM. Circulating antigen tests and urine reagent strips for diagnosis of active schistosomiasis in endemic areas. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2015;(3): CD009579.
  18. Wilson AL, Boelaert M, Kleinschmidt I, Pinder M, Scott TW, Tusting LS, Lindsay SW. Evidence-based vector control? Improving the quality of vector control trials. Trends in Parasitology 2015; 31(8): 380-390.
  19. Levecke B, Anderson RM, Berkvens D, Charlier J, Devleesschauwer B, Speybroeck N, Vercruysse J, Van Aelst S. Mathematical inference on helminth egg counts in stool and its applications in mass drug administration programmes to control soil-transmitted helminthiasis in public health. Advances in Parasitology 2015; 87: 193-247.
  20. Faber WR, De Jong B, de Vries HJ, Zeegelaar JE, Portaels F. Buruli ulcer in traveler from Suriname, South America, to the Netherlands. Emerging Infectious Diseases 2015; 21(3): 497-499.
  21. Gautret P, Mockenhaupt FP, Von Sonnenburg F, Rothe C, Libman M, Van De Winkel K, Bottieau E, Grobusch MP, Hamer DH, Esposito DH, Parola P, Schlagenhauf P. Local and international implications of schistosomiasis acquired in Corsica, France. Emerging Infectious Diseases 2015; 21(10): 1865-1868.
  22. Musoke J, Hlokwe T, Marcotty T, du Plessis BJA, Michel AL. Spillover of Mycobacterium bovis from wildlife to livestock, South Africa. Emerging Infectious Diseases 2015; 21(3): 448-451.
  23. Ubben D, Bojang K, Achan J, D’Alessandro U. Malaria prevalence among young infants in different transmission settings, Africa. Emerging Infectious Diseases 2015; 21(7): 1114-1121.
  24. Kozuki N, Katz J, Christian P, Lee AC, Liu L, Silveira MF, Barros F, Tielsch JM, Schmiegelow C, Sania A, Roberfroid D, Ndyomugyenyi R, Mullany LC, Mongkolchati A, Huybregts L, Humphrey J, Fawzi W, Baqui AH, Adair L, Oddo VM, Black RE. Comparison of US birth weight references and the international fetal and newborn growth consortium for the 21st century standard. JAMA Pediatrics 2015; 169(7): e151438.
  25. Scott LE, Campbell J, Westerman L, Kestens L, Vojnov L, Kohastsu L, Nkengasong J, Peter T, Stevens W. A meta-analysis of the performance of the Pima CD4 for point of care testing. BMC Medicine 2015; 13(168): 1-14.
  26. Unger HW, Ome-Kaius M, Wangnapi RA, Umbers AJ, Hanieh S, Suen CS, Robinson LJ, Rosanas-Urgell A, Wapling J, Lufele E, Kongs C, Samol P, Sui D, Singirok D, Bardaji A, Schofield L, Menendez C, Betuela I, Siba P, Mueller I, Rogerson SJ. Sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine plus azithromycin for the prevention of low birthweight in Papua New Guinea: a randomised controlled trial. BMC Medicine 2015; 13(9): 1-16.
  27. WWARN Artemisinin based Combination Therapy (ACT) Africa Baseline Study Group. Clinical determinants of early parasitological response to ACTs in African patients with uncomplicated falciparum malaria: a literature review and meta-analysis of individual patient data. BMC Medicine 2015; 13(212): 1-16.
  28. Schwartz IS, Kenyon C, Feng P, Govender NP, Dukik K, Sigler L, Jiang Y, Stielow JB, Muñoz JF, Cuomo CA, Botha A, Stchigel AM, De Hoog GS. 50 years of emmonsia disease in humans: the dramatic emergence of a cluster of novel fungal pathogens. PLoS Pathogens 2015; 11(11): e1005198.
  29. AbdElgawad H, De Vos D, Zinta G, Domagalska MA, Beemster GTS, Asard H. Grassland species differentially regulate proline concentrations under future climate conditions: an integrated biochemical and modelling approach. New Phytologist 2015; 208(2): 354-369.
  30. Kalonji LM, Post A, Phoba MF, Falay D, Ngbonda D, Muyembe JJ, Bertrand S, Ceyssens PJ, Mattheus W, Verhaegen J, Barbé B, Kuijpers L, Van Geet C, Lunguya O, Jacobs J. Invasive Salmonella infections at multiple surveillance sites in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2011-2014. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2015; 61(Suppl. 4): S346-S353.
  31. Kurth F, Develoux M, Mechain M, Clerinx J, Antinori S, Gjorup IE, Gascon J, Morch K, Nicastri E, Ramharter M, Bartoloni A, Visser L, Rolling T, Zanger P, Calleri G, Salas-Coronas J, Nielsen H, Just-Nubling G, Neumayr A, Hachfeld A, Schmid ML, Antonini P, Pongratz P, Kern P, Saraiva da Cunha J, Soriano-Arandes A, Schunk M, Suttorp N, Hatz C, Zoller T. Intravenous artesunate reduces parasite clearance time, duration of intensive care and hospital treatment in patients with severe malaria in Europe: the TropNet Severe Malaria Study. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2015; 61(9): 1441-1444.
  32. Kwambana-Adams B, Darboe S, Nabwera H, Foster-Nyarko E, Ikumapayi UN, Secka O, Betts M, Bradbury R, Wegmüller R, Lawal B, Saha D, Hossain MJ, Prentice AM, Kampmann B, Anderson S, D’Alessandro U, Antonio M. Salmonella infections in The Gambia, 2005-2015. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2015; 61(Suppl. 4): S354-S362.
  33. Mahajan R, Das P, Isaakidis P, Sunyoto T, Sagili KD, Lima MA, Mitra G, Kumar D, Pandey K, Van geertruyden JP, Boelaert M, Burza S. Combination treatment for visceral leishmaniasis patients co-infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus in India. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2015; 61(8): 1255-1262.
  34. Schwartz IS, Govender NP, Corcoran C, Dlamini S, Prozesky H, Burton R, Mendelson M, Taljaard J, Lehloenya R, Calligaro G, Colebunders R, Kenyon C. Clinical characteristics, diagnosis, management and outcomes of disseminated emmonsiosis: a retrospective case series. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2015; 61(6): 1004-1012.
  35. Jasseh M, Gomez P, Greenwood BM, Howie SR, Scott S, Snell PC, Bojang K, Cham M, Corrah T, D’Alessandro U. Health & demographic surveillance system profile: Farafenni health and demographic surveillance system in The Gambia. International Journal of Epidemiology 2015; 44(3): 837-847.

Articles (letters, editorials and comments excluded) in journals with JIF (2014) more than 1 and lower than 5

  1. Van den Bossche D, Cnops L, Verschueren J, Van Esbroeck M. Comparison of four rapid diagnostic tests, ELISA, microscopy and PCR for the detection of Giardia lamblia, Cryptosporidium spp. and Entamoeba histolytica in feces. Journal of Microbiological Methods 2015; 110: 78-84.
  2. Coleman CH, Ardiot C, Blesson S, Bonnin Y, Bompart F, Colonna P, Dhai A, Ecuru J, Edielu A, Herve C, Hirsch F, Kouyate B, Mamzer-Bruneel MF, Maounde D, Martinent E, Ntsiba H, Pele G, Queva G, Reinmund MC, Sarr SC, Sepou A, Tarral A, Tetimian D, Valverde O, Van Nieuwenhove S, Strub-Wourgaft N. Improving the quality of host country ethical oversight of international research: the use of a collaborative ‘pre-review’ mechanism for a study of fexinidazole for human African trypanosomiasis. Developing World Bioethics 2015; 15(3): 241-247.
  3. Bühler S, Eperon G, Ribi C, Kyburz D, Van Gompel A, Visser LG, Siegrist CA, Hatz C. Vaccination recommendations for adult patients with autoimmune inflammatory rheumatic diseases. Swiss Medical Weekly 2015; 145: w14159.
  4. Van Royen K, Verstraeten R, Andrade S, Ochoa-Avilés A, Donoso S, Maes L, Kolsteren P. Factors affecting physical activity in Ecuadorian adolescents: A focus group study. Journal of Physical Activity and Health 2015; 12(3): 340-348.
  5. Kenyon CR, Buyze J. No association between gender inequality and peak HIV prevalence in developing countries – an ecological study. AIDS Care 2015; 27(2): 150-159.
  6. Nöstlinger C, Bakeera-Kitaka S, Buyze J, Loos J, Buvé A. Factors influencing social self-disclosure among adolescents living with HIV in Eastern Africa. AIDS Care 2015; 27(Suppl. 1): 36-46.
  7. Deblauwe I, Demeulemeester J, De Witte J, Hendy A, Sohier C, Madder M. Increased detection of Aedes albopictus in Belgium: no overwintering yet, but an intervention strategy is still lacking. Parasitology Research 2015; 114(9): 3469-3477.
  8. De Clercq EM, Leta S, Estrada-Peña A, Madder M, Adehan S, Vanwambeke SO. Species distribution modelling for Rhipicephalus microplus (Acari: Ixodidae) in Benin, West Africa: Comparing datasets and modelling algorithms. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 2015; 118(1): 8-21.
  9. Depoorter P, Van Huffel X, Diricks H, Imberechts H, Dewulf J, Berkvens D, Uyttendaele M. Measuring general animal health status: Development of an animal health barometer. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 2015; 118(4): 341-350.
  10. Biza A, Jille-Traas I, Colomar M, Belizan M, Harris JR, Crahay B, Merialdi M, Nguyen MH, Althabe F, Aleman A, Bergel E, Carbonell A, Chavane L, Delvaux T, Geelhoed D, Gülmezoglu M, Malapende CR, Melo A, Osman NB, Widmer M, Temmerman M, Betrán AP. Challenges and opportunities for implementing evidence-based antenatal care in Mozambique: a qualitative study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2015; 15(200): 1-10.
  11. Ir P, Korachais C, Chheng K, Horemans D, Van Damme W, Meessen B. Boosting facility deliveries with results-based financing: a mixed-methods evaluation of the government midwifery incentive scheme in Cambodia. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2015; 15(170): 1-15.
  12. Van Puyvelde S, Vanderleyden J, De Keersmaecker SC. Experimental approaches to identify small RNAs and their diverse roles in bacteria – what we have learnt in one decade of MicA research. MicrobiologyOpen 2015; 4(5): 699-711.
  13. Swanson RC, Atun R, Best A, Betigeri A, de Campos F, Chunharas S, Collyns T, Currie G, Jan S, McCoy D, Omaswa F, Sanders D, Sundararaman S, Van Damme W. Strengthening health systems in low-income countries by enhancing organizational capacities and improving institutions. Globalization and Health 2015; 11(5): 1-8.
  14. Andrade S, Verloigne M, Cardon G, Kolsteren P, Ochoa-Aviles A, Verstraeten R, Donoso S, Lachat C. School-based intervention on healthy behaviour among Ecuadorian adolescents: effect of a cluster-randomized controlled trial on screen-time. BMC Public Health 2015; 15(942): 1-11.
  15. Mangwi Ayiasi R, Atuyambe LM, Kiguli J, Garimoi Orach C, Kolsteren P, Criel B. Use of mobile phone consultations during home visits by Community Health Workers for maternal and newborn care: community experiences from Masindi and Kiryandongo districts, Uganda. BMC Public Health 2015; 15(560): 1-13.
  16. Schurmans C, De Baetselier I, Kestelyn E, Jespers V, Delvaux T, Agaba SK, van Loen H, Menten J, van de Wijgert J, Crucitti T. The ring plus project: safety and acceptability of vaginal rings that protect women from unintended pregnancy. BMC Public Health 2015; 15(348): 1-10.
  17. Tonguet-Papucci A, Huybregts L, Ait Aissa M, Huneau JF, Kolsteren P. The MAM’Out project: a randomized controlled trial to assess multiannual and seasonal cash transfers for the prevention of acute malnutrition in children under 36 months in Burkina Faso. BMC Public Health 2015; 15(762): 1-8.
  18. Moti Y, De Deken R, Thys E, Van Den Abbeele J, Duchateau L, Delespaux V. PCR and microsatellite analysis of diminazene aceturate resistance of bovine trypanosomes correlated to knowledge, attitude and practice of livestock keepers in South-Western Ethiopia. Acta Tropica 2015; 146: 45-52.
  19. Menten J, Lesaffre E. A general framework for comparative Bayesian meta-analysis of diagnostic studies. BMC Medical Research Methodology 2015; 15(70): 1-13.
  20. Vareilles G, Marchal B, Kane S, Petric T, Pictet G, Pommier J. Understanding the motivation and performance of community health volunteers involved in the delivery of health programmes in Kampala, Uganda: a realist evaluation. BMJ Open 2015; 5(11): e008614.
  21. Vareilles G, Pommier J, Kane S, Pictet G, Marchal B. Understanding the motivation and performance of community health volunteers involved in the delivery of health programmes in Kampala, Uganda: a realist evaluation protocol. BMJ Open 2015; 5(1): e006752.
  22. Vázquez ML, Vargas I, Unger JP, De Paepe P, Mogollón-Pérez AS, Samico I, Albuquerque P, Eguiguren P, Cisneros AI, Rovere M, Bertolotto F. Evaluating the effectiveness of care integration strategies in different healthcare systems in Latin America: the EQUITY-LA II quasi-experimental study protocol. BMJ Open 2015; 5: e007037.
  23. Ardizzoni E, Mulders W, Kotrikadze T, Aspindzelashvili R, Goginashvili L, Pangtey H, Varaine F, Bastard M, Rigouts L, de Jong BC. The thin-layer agar method for direct phenotypic detection of multi- and extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 2015; 19(12): 1547-1552.
  24. Kamal SM, Hossain A, Sultana S, Begum V, Haque N, Ahmed J, Rahman TM, Hyder KA, Hossain S, Rahman M, Chowdhury RA, Aung KJ, Islam A, Hasan R, Van Deun A. Anti-tuberculosis drug resistance in Bangladesh: reflections from the first nationwide survey. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 2015; 19(2): 151-156.
  25. Lorent N, Buyze J, Kim T, Kong C, Van Deun A, Colebunders R, Thai S, Lynen L, Rigouts L. Is frontloaded sputum microscopy an option in active tuberculosis case finding? International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 2015; 19(1): 91-96.
  26. Lorent N, Kong C, Kim T, Sam S, Thai S, Colebunders R, Rigouts L, Lynen L. Systematic screening for drug-resistant tuberculosis with Xpert((R)) MTB/RIF in a referral hospital in Cambodia. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 2015; 19(12): 1528-1535.
  27. Page AL, Ardizzoni E, Lassovsky M, Kirubi B, Bichkova D, Pedrotta A, Lastrucci C, de la Tour R, Bonnet M, Varaine F. Routine use of Xpert((R)) MTB/RIF in areas with different prevalences of HIV and drug-resistant tuberculosis. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 2015; 19(9): 1078-1083.
  28. Van Deun A, Aung KJ, Hossain A, De Rijk P, Gumusboga M, Rigouts L, de Jong BC. Disputed rpoB mutations can frequently cause important rifampicin resistance among new tuberculosis patients. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 2015; 19(2): 185-190.
  29. Assarag B, Dujardin B, Essolbi A, Cherkaoui I, De Brouwere V. Consequences of severe obstetric complications on women’s health in Morocco: Please, listen to me! Tropical Medicine and International Health 2015; 20(11): 1406-1414.
  30. Atia AM, Mumina A, Tayler-Smith K, Boulle P, Alcoba G, Elhag MS, Alnour M, Shah S, Chappuis F, van Griensven J, Zachariah R. Sodium stibogluconate and paromomycin for treating visceral leishmaniasis under routine conditions in eastern Sudan: when will we get a better treatment? Tropical Medicine and International Health 2015; 20(12): 1674-1684.
  31. Bennis I, De Brouwere V, Ameur B, El Idrissi Laamrani A, Chichaoui S, Hamid S, Boelaert M. Control of cutaneous leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania major in Southeastern Morocco. Tropical Medicine and International Health 2015; 20(10): 1297-1305.
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  198. Thyda L, Sineng S, Delvaux T, Srean C, Mary S, Vuochnea P, Chettana P, Nirada N, Sarim C, Chantha P, Thoeun Y, Ferradini L. Integration of family planning services in a peer-managed HIV care clinic serving most at risk populations in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 2015; 69(4): e120-e126.
  199. Vuylsteke B, Semdé G, Auld AF, Sabatier J, Kouakou J, Ettiègne-Traoré V, Buvé A, Laga M. Retention and risk factors for loss to follow-up of female and male sex workers on antiretroviral treatment in Ivory Coast: a retrospective cohort analysis. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 2015; 68(Suppl. 2): S99-S106.
  200. Walmsley S, Baumgarten A, Berenguer J, Felizarta F, Florence E, Khuong-Josses MA, Kilby JM, Lutz T, Podzamczer D, Portilla J, Roth N, Wong D, Granier C, Wynne B, Pappa K. Dolutegravir plus abacavir/lamivudine for the treatment of HIV-1 infection in antiretroviral therapy-naive patients: week 96 and week 144 results from the SINGLE randomized clinical trial. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 2015; 70(5): 515-519.
  201. Mukherjee B, Paul J, Mukherjee S, Mukhopadhyay R, Das S, Naskar K, Sundar S, Dujardin JC, Saha B, Roy S. Antimony-resistant Leishmania donovani exploits miR-466i to deactivate host MyD88 for regulating IL-10/IL-12 levels during early hours of infection. Journal of Immunology 2015; 195(6): 2731-2742.
  202. Requena P, Barrios D, Robinson LJ, Samol P, Umbers AJ, Wangnapi R, Ome-Kaius M, Rosanas-Urgell A, Mayor A, Lopez M, de Lazzari E, Arevalo-Herrera M, Fernandez-Becerra C, Del Portillo H, Chitnis CE, Siba PM, Rogerson S, Mueller I, Bardaji A, Menendez C, Dobano C. Proinflammatory responses and higher IL-10 production by T cells correlate with protection against malaria during pregnancy and delivery outcomes. Journal of Immunology 2015; 194(7): 3275-3285.

Articles (letters, editorials and comments excluded) in journals with JIF (2014) below 2

  1. Keugoung B, Fotsing R, Macq J, Buvé A, Marchal B, Meli J, Criel B. Le programme national de lutte contre le VIH/sida renforce-t-il les hôpitaux de district au Cameroun? Santé Publique 2015; 27(4): 547-556.
  2. Manitu SM, Lushimba MM, Macq J, Meessen B. Arbitrage d’une controverse de politique de santé: application d’une démarche délibérative au Financement basé sur la Performance en Afrique subsaharienne. Santé Publique 2015; 27(3): 425-434.
  3. Manitu SM, Meessen B, Lushimba MM, Macq J. Le débat autour du financement basé sur la performance en Afrique subsaharienne: analyse de la nature des tensions. Santé Publique 2015; 27(1): 117-128.
  4. Menten K, Soentjens P, Caenepeel P, Lemkens P. Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis of the nose: a case report. B-ENT 2015; 11(1): 77-80.
  5. Koot AWA, Visscher AP, Huits RMHG. Remission of splenic marginal zone lymphoma in a patient treated for hepatitis B: a case of HBV-associated lymphoma. Acta Clinica Belgica 2015; 70(4): 301-303.
  6. Pypen Y, Oris E, Meeuwissen J, Laenen MV, Van Gompel A, Coppens G. Late onset of Strongyloides stercoralis meningitis in a retired Belgian miner. Acta Clinica Belgica 2015; 70(6): 447-450.
  7. Polet F, Malaise G, Mahieu A, Utrera E, Montes J, Tablang R, Aytin A, Kambale E, Luzala S, Al-Ghoul D, Darkhawaja RA, Rodriguez RM, Posada M, De Ceukelaire W, De Vos P. Empowerment for the right to health: the use of the “most significant change” methodology in monitoring. Health and Human Rights 2015; 17(2): 71-82.
  8. Krishnananthasivam S, Fernando AN, Tippalagama R, Tennekoon R, De Man J, Seneviratne D, Premawansa S, Premawansa G, De Silva AD. Evaluation of a commercial rapid test kit for detection of acute dengue infection. Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 2015; 46(4): 602-610.
  9. Verraes C, Uyttendaele M, Clinquart A, Daube G, Sindic M, Berkvens D, Herman L. Microbiological safety and quality aspects of the short supply chain: SWOT analysis of the Belgian case study. British Food Journal 2015; 117(9): 2250-2264.
  10. Bhojani U, Soors W. Tobacco control in India: a case for the Health-in-All policy approach. National Medical Journal of India 2015; 28(2): 86-89.
  11. Horna G, Astocondor L, Jacobs J, Garcia C. Evaluación de métodos fenotípicos para la detección de Staphylococcus aureus resistente a meticilina. Revista Española de Quimioterapia 2015; 28(2): 98-100.
  12. Ziam H, Kelanamer R, Aissi M, Ababou A, Berkvens D, Geysen D. Prevalence of bovine theileriosis in North Central region of Algeria by real-time polymerase chain reaction with a note on its distribution. Tropical Animal Health and Production 2015; 47(5): 787-796.
  13. Diaz Pedregal V, Destremeau B, Criel B. Health policy in Cambodia: to what extent is an aid-dependent country able to determine its own policy? Journal of Social Policy 2015; 44(1): 171-187.
  14. De Vos P, Van der Stuyft P. Sociopolitical determinants of international health policy. International Journal of Health Services 2015; 45(2): 363-377.
  15. Sridhar D, McKee M, Ooms G, Beiersmann C, Friedman E, Gouda H, Hill P, Jahn A. Universal health coverage and the right to health: from legal principle to post-2015 indicators. International Journal of Health Services 2015; 45(3): 495-506.
  16. Abatih E, Ron L, Speybroeck N, Williams B, Berkvens D. Mathematical analysis of the transmission dynamics of brucellosis among bison. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 2015; 38(17): 3818-3832.
  17. Kenyon CR, Osbak K, Buyze J, Chico RM. The changing relationship between bacterial STIs and HIV prevalence in South Africa – an ecological study. International Journal of STD & AIDS 2015; 26(8): 556-564.
  18. Nakiwogga-Muwanga A, Musaazi J, Katabira E, Worodria W, Talisuna SA, Colebunders R. Patients who return to care after tracking remain at high risk of attrition: experience from a large HIV clinic, Uganda. International Journal of STD & AIDS 2015; 26(1): 42-47.
  19. Djulbegovic B, Hamm RM, Mayrhofer T, Hozo I, Van den Ende J. Rationality, practice variation and person-centred health policy: a threshold hypothesis. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 2015; 21(6): 1121-1124.
  20. Kenyon C, Colebunders R. Correlates of concurrency among young people in Carletonville, South Africa. SAHARA Journal 2015; 12(1): 51-58.
  21. Lachat C, Nago E, Ka A, Vermeylen H, Fanzo J, Mahy L, Wüstefeld M, Kolsteren P. Landscape analysis of nutrition-sensitive agriculture policy development in Senegal. Food and Nutrition Bulletin 2015; 36(2): 154-166.
  22. Dorny P, Devleesschauwer B, Stoliaroff V, Sothy M, Chea R, Chea B, Sourloing H, Samuth S, Kong S, Nguong K, Sorn S, Holl D, Vercruysse J. Prevalence and associated risk factors of Toxocara vitulorum infections in buffalo and cattle calves in three provinces of Central Cambodia. Korean Journal of Parasitology 2015; 53(2): 197-200.
  23. Boukraa S, Dekoninck W, Versteirt V, Schaffner F, Coosemans M, Haubruge E, Francis F. Updated checklist of the mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) of Belgium. Journal of Vector Ecology 2015; 40(2): 398-407.
  24. Goicolea I, Hurtig AK, San Sebastian M, Marchal B, Vives-Cases C. Using realist evaluation to assess primary healthcare teams’ responses to intimate partner violence in Spain. Gaceta Sanitaria 2015; 29(6): 431-436.
  25. Batista G, Buvé A, Ngom Gueye NF, Manga NM, Diop MN, Ndiaye K, Thiam A, Ly F, Diallo A, Ndour CT, Seydi M. Initial suboptimal CD4 reconstitution with antiretroviral therapy despite full viral suppression in a cohort of HIV-infected patients in Senegal. Médecine et Maladies Infectieuses 2015; 45(6): 199-206.
  26. Mousley E, Deribe K, Tamiru A, Tomczyk S, Hanlon C, Davey G. Mental distress and podoconiosis in Northern Ethiopia: a comparative cross-sectional study. International Health 2015; 7(1): 16-25.
  27. van Olmen J, Ku GM, Darras C, Kalobu JC, Bewa E, Van Pelt M, Hen H, Van Acker K, Eggermont N, Schellevis F, Kegels G. Content, participants and outcomes of three diabetes care programmes in three low and middle income countries. Primary Care Diabetes 2015; 9(3): 196-202.
  28. Brolan CE, Hill PS, Ooms G. “Everywhere but not specifically somewhere”: a qualitative study on why the right to health is not explicit in the post-2015 negotiations. BMC International Health and Human Rights 2015; 15(22): 1-10.
  29. Ravinetto R, De Nys K, Boelaert M, Diro E, Meintjes G, Adoke Y, Tagbor H, Casteels M. Sponsorship in non-commercial clinical trials: definitions, challenges and the role of Good Clinical Practices guidelines. BMC International Health and Human Rights 2015; 15(34): 1-7.
  30. Ruger JP, Hammonds R, Ooms G, Barry D, Chapman A, Van Damme W. From conceptual pluralism to practical agreement on policy: global responsibility for global health. BMC International Health and Human Rights 2015; 15(30): 1-6.
  31. Borremans B, Sluydts V, Makundi RH, Leirs H. Evaluation of short-, mid- and long-term effects of toe clipping on a wild rodent. Wildlife Research 2015; 42(2): 143-148.
  32. Meheretu Y, Welegerima K, Sluydts V, Bauer H, Gebrehiwot K, Deckers J, Makundi R, Leirs H. Reproduction and survival in crop fields: the effects of rainfaill, crop stage and stone-bund density. Wildlife Research 2015; 42(2): 158-164.
  33. Wilmart O, Van Huffel X, Diricks H, Huyshauwer V, Michelante D, Bragard C, Schiffers B, Pussemier L, Berkvens D, Höfte M, Uyttendaele M. Measuring the general phytosanitary situation: development of a plant health barometer. European Journal of Plant Pathology 2015; 141(2): 349-360.
  34. Schopper D, Dawson A, Upshur R, Ahmad A, Jesani A, Ravinetto R, Segelid MJ, Sheel S, Singh J. Innovations in research ethics governance in humanitarian settings. BMC Medical Ethics 2015; 16(10): 1-14.
  35. Geelhoed D, Stokx J, Mariano X, Mosse Lazaro C, Roelens K. Risk factors for stillbirths in Tete, Mozambique. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2015; 130(2): 148-152.
  36. Sungirai M, Madder M, Moyo DZ, De Clercq P, Abatih EN. An update on the ecological distribution of the Ixodidae ticks in Zimbabwe. Experimental and Applied Acarology 2015; 66(2): 269-280.
  37. Goicolea I, Hurtig AK, San Sebastian M, Vives-Cases C, Marchal B. Developing a programme theory to explain how primary health care teams learn to respond to intimate partner violence: a realist case-study. BMC Health Services Research 2015; 15(228): 1-13.
  38. Magadzire BP, Marchal B, Ward K. Improving access to medicines through centralised dispensing in the public sector: a case study of the Chronic Dispensing Unit in the Western Cape Province, South Africa. BMC Health Services Research 2015; 15(513): 1-8.
  39. Olivier de Sardan JP, Ridde V, Criel B, Soors W, Dkhimi F. User fee exemption policies. BMC Health Services Research 2015; 15(Suppl.3).
  40. Topp SM, Black J, Morrow M, Chipukuma JM, Van Damme W. The impact of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) service scale-up on mechanisms of accountability in Zambian primary health centres: a case-based health systems analysis. BMC Health Services Research 2015; 15(67): 1-14.
  41. Vargas I, Mogollón-Pérez AS, De Paepe P, Ferreira da Silva MR, Unger JP, Vázquez ML. Do existing mechanisms contribute to improvements in care coordination across levels of care in health services networks? Opinions of the health personnel in Colombia and Brazil. BMC Health Services Research 2015; 15(213): 1-14.
  42. Okebe J, Bousema T, Affara M, DiTanna G, Eziefula AC, Jawara M, Nwakanma D, Amambua-Ngwa A, Van geertruyden JP, Drakeley C, D’Alessandro U. The gametocytocidal efficacy of primaquine in malaria asymptomatic carriers treated with dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine in The Gambia (PRINOGAM): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials 2015; 16(70): 1-7.
  43. ’t Hoen E, Pascual F. Counterfeit medicines and substandard medicines: different problems requiring different solutions [viewpoint]. Journal of Public Health Policy 2015; 36(4): 384-389.
  44. Bradbury RS, Barbé B, Jacobs J, Jallow AT, Camara KC, Colley M, Wegmuller R, Jassey B, Cham Y, Baldeh I, Prentice A. Enteric pathogens of food sellers in rural Gambia with incidental finding of Myxobolus species (Protozoa: Myxozoa). Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 2015; 109(5): 334-339.
  45. Mukhtar M, Abdoun A, Ahmed AE, Ghalib H, Reed SG, Boelaert M, Menten J, Khair MM, Howard RF. Diagnostic accuracy of rK28-based immunochromatographic rapid diagnostic tests for visceral leishmaniasis: a prospective clinical cohort study in Sudan. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 2015; 109(9): 594-600.
  46. Petitet PH, Ith L, Cockroft M, Delvaux T. Towards safe abortion access: an exploratory study of medical abortion in Cambodia. Reproductive Health Matters 2015; 22(44 Suppl.1): 47-55.
  47. Nambozi M, Mulenga M, Halidou T, Tagbor H, Mwapasa V, Phiri LK, Kalanda G, Valea I, Traore M, Mwakazanga D, Claeys Y, Schurmans C, De Crop M, Menten J, Ravinetto R, Thriemer K, Van geertruyden JP, Mutabingwa T, D’Alessandro U. Safe and efficacious artemisinin-based combination treatments for African pregnant women with malaria: a multicentre randomized control trial. Reproductive Health 2015; 12(5): 1-10.
  48. Wilunda C, Oyerinde K, Putoto G, Lochoro P, Dall’Oglio G, Manenti F, Segafredo G, Atzori A, Criel B, Panza A, Quaglio G. Availability, utilisation and quality of maternal and neonatal health care services in Karamoja region, Uganda: a health facility-based survey. Reproductive Health 2015; 12(30): 1-11.
  49. Sabuni CA, Sluydts V, Mulungu LS, Maganga SS, Makundi RH, Leirs H. Distribution and ecology of lesser pouched rat, Beamys hindei, in Tanzanian coastal forests. Integrative Zoology 2015; 10(6): 531-542.
  50. Vanantwerpen G, Berkvens D, Van Damme I, De Zutter L, Houf K. Assessment of risk factors for a high within-batch prevalence of Yersinia enterocolitica in pigs based on microbiological analysis at slaughter. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease 2015; 12(7): 571-575.
  51. Kulwa KB, Mamiro PS, Kimanya ME, Mziray R, Kolsteren PW. Feeding practices and nutrient content of complementary meals in rural central Tanzania: implications for dietary adequacy and nutritional status. BMC Pediatrics 2015; 15(171): 1-11.
  52. Bhojani U, Kolsteren P, Criel B, De Henauw S, Beerenahally TS, Verstraeten R, Devadasan N. Intervening in the local health system to improve diabetes care: lessons from a health service experiment in a poor urban neighborhood in India. Global Health Action 2015; 8(28762): 1-12.
  53. Leon N, Sanders D, Van Damme W, Besada D, Daviaud E, Oliphant NP, Berzal R, Mason J, Doherty T. The role of ‘hidden’ community volunteers in community-based health service delivery platforms: examples from sub-Saharan Africa. Global Health Action 2015; 8(27214): 1-7.
  54. Stasse S, Vita D, Kimfuta J, da Silveira VC, Bossyns P, Criel B. Improving financial access to health care in the Kisantu district in the Democratic Republic of Congo: acting upon complexity. Global Health Action 2015; 8(25480): 1-13.
  55. van Lankveld JJDM, Platteau T, van Montfort K, Nieuwenhuijs F, Syroit J. The predictive value of SIS/SES and BIS/BAS scores for sexual and non-sexual risk behavior. Personality and Individual Differences 2015; 79: 7-12.
  56. Vanbrabant P, Van Den Broucke S, Soentjens P. Cutaneous ulcer after a stay in the tropics. Netherlands Journal of Medicine 2015; 73(1): 44, 49.

Letters, editorials and comments

In journals with JIF (2014) above 9

  1. Bannister-Tyrrell M, Gryseels C, Delamou A, D’Alessandro U, van Griensven J, Peeters Grietens K. Blood as medicine: social meanings of blood and the success of Ebola trials [letter]. Lancet 2015; 385(9966): 420.
  2. Delamou A, Beavogui AH, Kondé MK, van Griensven J, De Brouwere V. Ebola: better protection needed for Guinean health-care workers [letter]. Lancet 2015; 385(9967): 503-504.
  3. Londoño E, Molano P. Are Colombia’s reforms enough for a health-care system in crisis? [letter]. Lancet 2015; 385(9981): 1943.
  4. Utz B, De Brouwere V. Tackling obesity; challenges ahead [letter]. Lancet 2015; 386(9995): 739-740.
  5. Utz B, Halim A. Improving midwifery care worldwide [letter]. Lancet 2015; 385(9962): 26-27.
  6. Colebunders R, Van den Ende J. Filovirus epidemic in 1956 in Bili, DRC [letter]. Lancet Infectious Diseases 2015; 15(4): 379.
  7. Gautret P, Mockenhaupt FP, Bottieau E, Parola P, Schlagenhauf P. Schistosomiasis in Corsica and the pivotal role of travellers [letter]. Lancet Infectious Diseases 2015; 15(12): 1378-1379.
  8. Goovaerts O, Kestens L. Tuberculosis-associated immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome: a manifestation of adaptive or innate immunity? [comment]. Lancet Infectious Diseases 2015; 15(4): 370-371.
  9. Horby PW, Endzt H, Muyembe-Tamfum JJ, van Griensven J, Gevao S, Goossens H, Malvy JM, Haba NY, Yazdanpanah Y, Olliaro P, Semple C, de Jong M, Delamou A, Lang T, Carson G, Kennedy S. Ebola: Europe-Africa research collaborations [letter]. Lancet Infectious Diseases 2015; 15(11): 1258-1259.
  10. Yazdanpanah Y, Horby P, van Griensven J, Mentre F, Nguyen VK, Malvy JM, Dunning J, Sissoko D, DelFraissy JF, Levy Y. Drug assessment in the Ebola virus disease epidemic in west Africa [letter]. Lancet Infectious Diseases 2015; 15(11): 1258.

In journals with JIF (2014) above 4 and below 10

  1. Kenyon C, Osbak K. Sexual networks, HIV, race and bacterial vaginosis [letter]. AIDS 2015; 29(5): 641-642.
  2. Buvé A, Fichorova RN. Reply to ‘Sexual networks, HIV, race and bacterial vaginosis’ [letter]. AIDS 2015; 29(5): 642-643.
  3. Becker SL, Chappuis F, Polman K, N’Goran EK, von Müller L, Utzinger J. Epidemiological studies need asymptomatic controls [letter]. Clinical Microbiology and Infection 2015; 21(8): e53-e54.
  4. Bottieau E. New diagnostic tools in clinical parasitology [editorial]. Clinical Microbiology and Infection 2015; 21(6): 518-519.
  5. Colebunders R, Cannon RO. Large-scale convalescent blood and plasma transfusion therapy for Ebola viral disease [editorial]. Journal of Infectious Diseases 2015; 211(8): 1208-1210.
  6. Ceesay SJ, Koivogui L, Nahum A, Taal MA, Okebe J, Affara M, Kaman LE, Bohissou F, Agbowai C, Tolno BG, Amambua-Ngwa A, Bangoura N, Ahounou D, Muhammad AK, Duparc S, Hamed K, Levecke B, Dorny P, Vercammen F, Visser LG, Van Esbroeck M, Vercruysse J, Verweij JJ. Transmission of Entamoeba nuttalli and Trichuris trichiura from nonhuman primates to humans [letter]. Emerging Infectious Diseases 2015; 21(10): 1871-1872.
  7. Van Hong N, Amambua-Ngwa A, Tuan NQ, Cuong do D, Giang NT, Van Dung N, Tinh TT, Van Tien N, Phuc BQ, Duong TT, Rosanas-Urgell A, Van geertruyden JP, D’Alessandro U, Erhart A. Severe malaria not responsive to artemisinin derivatives in man returning from Angola to Vietnam [letter]. Emerging Infectious Diseases 2015; 21(7): 1265.
  8. Cnops L, Gerard M, Vandenberg O, Van den Wijngaert S, Heyndrickx L, Willems E, Demeulemeester K, De Clerck H, Dediste A, Callens S, De Munter P, Vlieghe E, Bottieau E, Wuillaume F, Van Esbroeck M, Ariën KK. Risk of misinterpretation of Ebola virus PCR results after rVSV ZEBOV-GP vaccination [letter]. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2015; 60(11): 1725-1726.
  9. Esposito DH, Rosenthal BM, Slesak G, Tappe D, Fayer R, Bottieau E, Brown C, Grobusch MP, Malvy D, Von Sonnenburg F, Sotir MJ, Steiner F, Zanger P, Kozarsky PE. Reply to Italiano et al. [letter]. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2015; 60(7): 1135-1136.
  10. De Vooght L, Caljon G, Van Hees J, Van Den Abbeele J. Paternal transmission of a secondary symbiont during mating in the viviparous tsetse fly. Molecular Biology and Evolution 2015; 32(8): 1977-1980.

In journals with JIF (2014) above 1 and below 5

  1. Nöstlinger C, Loos J, Verhoest X. Coping with HIV in a culture of silence: results of a body-mapping workshop. AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses 2015; 31(1): 47-48.

In journals with JIF (2014) below 2

  1. Walsh DS, de Jong BC, Meyers WM, Portaels F. Leprosy and Buruli ulcer: similarities suggest combining control and prevention of disability strategies in countries endemic for both diseases [editorial]. Leprosy Review 2015; 86(1): 1-5.
  2. Kenyon CR, Osbak K. How many MSM in Europe could benefit from PrEP – a 9 billion Euro question? [letter]. International Journal of STD & AIDS 2015; 26(13): 988-990.
  3. Kuijpers LM, Veng CH, Sar D, Chung P, Phe T, Kham C, Vlieghe E, Jacobs J. Ongoing outbreak of Salmonella enterica serovar Paratyphi A infections, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Journal of Infection in Developing Countries 2015; 9(4): 438-440.
  4. Dorny P, Dao T, Victor B, Nguyen T, Gabriël S. Response to manuscript ‘Is Opisthorchis viverrini an avian liver fluke?’ [letter]. Journal of Helminthology 2015; 89(2): 257-258.
  5. Sheikh K, Freedman L, Ghaffar A, Marchal B, El-Jardali F, McCaffery J, de Sardan JP, Dal Poz M, Flores W, Garimella S, Schaaf M. Posting and transfer: key to fostering trust in government health services [commentary]. Human Resources for Health 2015; 13(82): 1-4.
  6. Bottieau E, Vlieghe E. Melioidosis in the non-endemic setting: not only in diabetic travelers returning from Southeast Asia [editorial]. Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease 2015; 13(5): 355-356.
  7. Martelli G, Girometti N, Vanino E, Bottieau E, Viale P. Plasmodium falciparum malaria in migrants who transited Libya – where did they contract malaria? [letter]. Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease 2015; 13(6): 499-500.
  8. Dkhimi F, Soors W, Criel B. Foreword [editorial]. BMC Health Services Research 2015; 15(Suppl.3): I1.
  9. Van Os L, Cnops L, Van Esbroeck M, Ni Dhubhghaill S, De Keizer RJ, Asselman V, Tassignon MJ. Slowly progressive keratouveitis in a patient with known systemic Leishmaniasis and HIV [letter]. Ocular Immunology and Inflammation 2015; 23(3): 248-251.

Books and chapters

  1. Achee N, Chandre F, Coosemans M, Corbel V, Engels D, Gimnig J, Moore S, Muller P, Oxborough R, Pigeon O, Rowland M, Drexler A, Temu E, Velayudhan R, Yadav R. Report of the eighteenth WHOPES working group meeting: WHO/HQ, Geneva, 29 June – 1 July 2015: review of MiraNet LN, Panda Net 2.0 LN, Yahe LN and SafeNet LN. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2015: 72 pp.
  2. Beier J, Burkot T, Coosemans M, Githure J, Hemingway J, Kleinschmidt I, Lindblade K, Kumar A, Lindsay S, Nasci R, Vatandoost H, Vythilingam I. Third meeting of the vector control advisory group, Geneva, Switzerland, 12-14 November 2014. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2015: 35 pp.
  3. D’Alessandro U, Hamel MJ. Control of malaria during pregnancy: treatment of uncomplicated malaria and complicated malaria. In: Hommel M, Kremsner PG, editors. Encyclopedia of malaria.New York: Springer, 2015: 1-18.
  4. Dieye TN, Kestens L. Principes de la cytométrie de flux. In: Mboup S, Gershy-Damet GM, Kane CT, Bélec L, editors. Biologie appliquée de l’infection à VIH et de ses comorbidités.Montrouge: John Libbey Eurotext, 2015: 52-53.
  5. Dieye TN, Kestens L, Diaw PA. Plate-forme CD4. In: Mboup S, Gershy-Damet GM, Kane CT, Bélec L, editors. Biologie appliquée de l’infection à VIH et de ses comorbidités.Montrouge: John Libbey Eurotext, 2015: 196-201.
  6. Dkhimi F, Criel B. Les prestataires confessionels servent les pauvres. In: Ridde V, Ouattara F, editors. Des idées reçues en santé mondiale.Montréal: Les Presses de l’Universite de Montréal, 2015: 123-128.
  7. Hamel MJ, D’Alessandro U. Control of malaria during pregnancy: preventive strategies. Intermittent preventive treatment and insecticide-treated nets. In: Hommel M, Kremsner PG, editors. Encyclopedia of malaria.New York: Springer, 2015: 1-10.
  8. Kestens L. Plates-formes pour la numération des lymphocytes CD4. In: Mboup S, Gershy-Damet GM, Kane CT, Bélec L, editors. Biologie appliquée de l’infection à VIH et de ses comorbidités.Montrouge: John Libbey Eurotext, 2015: 67.
  9. Lachish T, Van Gompel A, Schwartz E. The returning traveler. In: Zuckerman JN, Brunette GW, Leggat PA, editors. Essential travel medicine.Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 2015: 311-326.
  10. Martínez D, Verdonck K, Boelaert M, Llanos-Cuentas A. A 7-year-old girl from Peru with a chronic skin ulcer. In: Rothe C, editor. Clinical cases in tropical medicine.[s.l.]: Elsevier Saunders, 2015: 49-51.
  11. Ooms G. Global social protection in health. In: Frenk J, Hoffman SJ, editors. “To save humanity”: what matters most for a healthy future.New York: Oxford University Press, 2015: 257-260.
  12. Peterson K. Natural history and clinical features of HIV-2 infection. In: Hope TJ, Stevenson M, Richman D, editors. Encyclopedia of AIDS.New York: Springer, 2015: 1-6.
  13. Vanham G. Foreword. In: das Neves J, Sarmento B, editors. Drug delivery and development of anti-HIV microbicides.Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2015: xvii-xx.
  14. Wade D, Kestens L. Evaluation analytique des technologies de numérisation de lymphocytes T CD4. In: Mboup S, Gershy-Damet GM, Kane CT, Bélec L, editors. Biologie appliquée de l’infection à VIH et de ses comorbidités.Montrouge: John Libbey Eurotext, 2015: 58-59.

Other publications, articles in journals without JIF included


  1. Alvarez C, Verdonck K, Tipismana M, Gotuzzo E. A Peruvian family with a high burden of HTLV-1-associated myeolopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis. BMJ Case Reports 2015.
  2. Auld AF, Shiraishi RW, Mbofana F, Couto A, Fetogang EB, El-Halabi S, Lebelonyane R, Pilatwe PT, Hamunime N, Okello V, Mutasa-Apollo T, Mugurungi O, Murungu J, Dzangare J, Kwesigabo G, Wabwire-Mangen F, Mulenga M, Hachizovu S, Ettiegne-Traore V, Mohamed F, Bashorun A, Nhan DT, Hai NH, Quang TH, Van Onacker JD, Francois K, Robin EG, Desforges G, Farahani M, Kamiru H, Nuwagaba-Biribonwoha H, Ehrenkranz P, Denison JA, Koole O, Tsui S, Torpey K, Mukadi YD, Van Praag E, Menten J, Mastro TD, Hamilton CD, Abiri OO, Griswold M, Pierre E, Xavier C, Alfredo C, Jobarteh K, Letebele M, Agolory S, Baughman AL, Mutandi G, Preko P, Ryan C, Ao T, Gonese E, Herman-Roloff A, Ekra KA, Kouakou JS, Odafe S, Onotu D, Dalhatu I, Debem HH, Nguyen DB, Yen LN, Abdul-Quader AS, Pelletier V, Williams SG, Behel S, Bicego G, Swaminathan M, Dokubo EK, Adjorlolo-Johnson G, Marlink R, Lowrance D, Spira T, Colebunders R, Bangsberg D, Zee A, Kaplan J, Ellerbrock TV. Lower levels of antiretroviral therapy enrollment among men with HIV compared with women – 12 countries, 2002-2013. MMWR Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 2015; 64(46): 1281-1286.
  3. Belaid L, Dumont A, Chaillet N, De Brouwere V, Zertal A, Hounton S, Ridde V. Protocol for a systematic review on the effect of demand generation interventions on uptake and use of modern contraceptives in LMIC. Systematic Reviews 2015; 4(124): 1-8.
  4. Bottieau E, Mukendi D, Kalo JR, Mpanya A, Lutumba P, Barbé B, Chappuis F, Lunguya O, Boelaert M, Jacobs J. Fatal Chromobacterium violaceum bacteraemia in rural Bandundu, Democratic Republic of the Congo. New Microbes and New Infections 2015; 3: 21-23.
  5. Bottieau E. Chimioprophylaxie du paludisme: vers une harmonisation européenne. Revue du Praticien 2015; 65(4): 485-490.
  6. Colebunders R, Kenyon C. Behaviour, not mobility, is a risk factor for HIV [comment]. Lancet HIV 2015; 2(6): e223-e224.
  7. Deribe K, Yami A, Deribew A, Mesfin N, Colebunders R, Van geertruyden JP, Woldie M, Maja T. Predictors of mortality among tuberculosis-HIV-coinfected persons in Southwest Ethiopia: a case-control study. Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care 2015; 14(3): 269-273.
  8. Devleesschauwer B, Smit GS, Dorny P, van der Giessen JW, Gabriël S. Neurocysticercosis in Europe: need for a One Health approach [letter]. Neuropediatrics 2015; 46(5): 354-355.
  9. Dierckx S, Van Puyvelde S, Venken L, Eberle W, Vanderleyden J. Design and construction of a whole cell bacterial 4-hydroxyphenylacetic acid and 2-phenylacetic acid bioassay. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 2015; 3(88): 1-8.
  10. Doherty T, Zembe W, Ngandu N, Kinney M, Manda S, Besada D, Jackson D, Daniels K, Rohde S, Van Damme W, Kerber K, Daviaud E, Rudan I, Muniz M, Oliphant NP, Zamasiya T, Rohde J, Sanders D. Assessment of Malawi’s success in child mortality reduction through the lens of the Catalytic Initiative Integrated Health Systems Strengthening programme: retrospective evaluation. Journal of Global Health 2015; 5(2): 020412.
  11. Dorny P, Geldhof P, Claerebout E. Jozef Vercruysse’s love for parasites: a 40 years carrier. Tropicultura 2015; 33(4): 261-265.
  12. Dugassa H, Gabriël S. Diagnosis of bovine cysticercosis in cattle by milk ELISA. Global Veterinaria 2015; 14(6): 853-866.
  13. Duquet K, Ghoos K, Lecompte A, van den Akker AC, Roex A. Dokter, ik kom volgende week (want nu heb ik geen geld). Huisarts Nu 2015; 44(1): 16-19.
  14. Forman L, Ooms G, Brolan CE. Rights language in the sustainable development agenda: has right to health discourse and norms shaped health goals? International Journal of Health Policy and Management 2015; 4(12): 799-804.
  15. Karemere H, Ribesse N, Marchal B, Macq J. Analyzing Katana referral hospital as a complex adaptive system: agents, interactions and adaptation to a changing environment. Conflict and Health 2015; 9(17): 1-10.
  16. Kenyon C. The prevalence of sexual partner concurrency is not correlated with markers of poverty or gender inequality: an ecological analysis. World Journal of AIDS 2015; 5: 322-327.
  17. Kenyon CR, Osbak K, Buyze J, Johnson S, van Lankveld J. Variations of sexual scripts relating to concurrency by race, class, and gender in South Africa. Journal of Sex Research 2015; 52(8): 878-886.
  18. Ku GM, Kegels G. Implementing elements of a context-adapted chronic care model to improve first-line diabetes care: effects on assessment of chronic illness care and glycaemic control among people with diabetes enrolled to the First-Line Diabetes Care (FiLDCare) Project in the Northern Philippines. Primary Health Care Research and Development 2015; 16(5): 481-491.
  19. Ku GM, Kegels G. Knowledge, attitudes and perceptions of people with type 2 diabetes as related to self-management practices: results of a cross-sectional study conducted in Luzon, Philippines. Chronic Illness 2015; 11(2): 93-107.
  20. Ku GMV, Kegels G. Adapting chronic care models for diabetes care delivery in low-and-middle-income countries: a review. World Journal of Diabetes 2015; 15(6): 566-575.
  21. Malahleha M, Ahmed K, Deese J, Nanda K, Van Damme L, De Baetselier I, Burnett SJ. Hepatitis B virus reactivation or reinfection in a FEM-PrEP participant: a case report. Journal of Medical Case Reports 2015; 9(207): 1-5.
  22. Maniewski U, Van den Ende J. Andere interessante importziekten. Bijblijven 2015; 31(7): 485-494.
  23. Molina DL, Echaide YA, Font ME, Van der Stuyft P, Palomino JC, Martin A. Utilidad del método de la nitrato reductasa para la detección de resistencia a droga antituberculosas de segunda línea. Revista Cubana de Medicina Tropical 2015; 67(1): 20-27.
  24. Ooms G, Stuckler D, Basu S, McKee M. A global social support system: what the international community could learn from the United States’ National Basketball Association’s scheme for redistribution of new talent. International Journal of Health Policy and Management 2015; 4(11): 715-718.
  25. Ooms G. Navigating between stealth advocacy and unconscious dogmatism: the challenge of researching the norms, politics and power of global health. International Journal of Health Policy and Management 2015; 4(10): 641-644.
  26. Peterson K, Menten J, Peterson I, Togun T, Okomo U, Oko F, Corrah T, Jaye A, Colebunders R. Use of self-reported adherence and keeping clinic appointments as predictors of viremia in routine HIV care in the Gambia. Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care 2015; 14(4): 343-347.
  27. Platteau T, Nöstlinger C, Schrooten W, Kenyon C, van Lankveld JJDM, Colebunders R. Sexual inactivity among men who have sex with men living with HIV in Europe. International Journal of Sexual Health 2015; 27(2): 83-92.
  28. Quinet A, Shelmerdine S, Van Dessel P, Unger JP. Family therapy in developing countries primary care. Journal of Family Medicine and Disease Preventions 2015; 1(006): 1-6.
  29. Rahmalia A, Wisaksana R, Meijerink H, Indrati AR, Alisjahbana B, Roeleveld N, van der Ven AJ, Laga M, van Crevel R. Women with HIV in Indonesia: are they bridging a concentrated epidemic to the wider community? BMC Research Notes 2015; 8(757): 1-8.
  30. Ravinetto R, Schiavetti B. The quality of medicines: an ethical issue? [comment]. Indian Journal of Medical Ethics 2015; 12(4): 232-234.
  31. Sahel A, Belghiti AA, De Brouwere V, Soares FV, Kegels G, Belkaab N, Godin I, Ablefoni S, Schneider A, Dujardin B. A systemic approach to quality improvement in public health services: the Moroccan “quality contest”. Leadership in Health Services 2015; 28(1): 8-23.
  32. Sahel A, De Brouwere V, Dujardin B, Kegels G, Belkaab N, Belghiti AA. Implementing a nationwide quality improvement approach in health services: the Moroccan “Quality Contest” experience. Leadership in Health Services 2015; 28(1): 24-34.
  33. Spoel E, De Man J, Cerf D, Criel B. L’accès aux soins pour une population socio-économiquement défavorisée: situation du quartier de Bruxelles-centre. Santé Conjuguée 2015;(72): 11-14.
  34. Suttels V, Florence E, Leys J, Vekemans M, Van den Ende J, Vlieghe E, Kenyon C. A 68-year old male presenting with rhabdomyolysis-associated acute kidney injury following concomitant use of elvitegravir/cobicistat/emtricitabine/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate and pravastatin/fenofibrate: a case report. Journal of Medical Case Reports 2015; 9(190): 1-4.
  35. Thapa S, Hannes K, Cargo M, Buvé A, Mathei C. Effect of stigma reduction intervention strategies on HIV test uptake in low- and middle-income countries: a realist review protocol. Systematic Reviews 2015; 4(142): 1-7.
  36. Tinto H, Sombié O, Valea I, Lankoandé F, Yara S, Lompo P, Tahita MC, Kazienga A, Ouédraogo S, Sorgho H, De Crop M, Ravinetto R. Field evaluation of SD Bioline Malaria Antigen P.f(R) for Plasmodium falciparum malaria diagnosis in Nanoro, Burkina Faso. African Journal of Parasitology Research 2015; 4(11): 161-165.
  37. Traore ST, Anne A, Khalifa A, Bosomprah S, Caroline F, Cuzin-Kihl AK, Ingelbeen B, Ramirez-Robles M, Sangare M, Niang M, Bagayoko CO. Social network and health researchers and professionals mobility in Africa: lessons learned from AFRICA BUILD project. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 2015; 216: 1018.
  38. Utz B, Kolsteren P, De Brouwere V. Screening for gestational diabetes mellitus: are guidelines from high-income settings applicable to poorer countries? Clinical Diabetes 2015; 33(3): 152-158.
  39. Van den Ende J, Maniewski-Kelner U. Maag-darmproblemen bij importziekten. Bijblijven 2015; 31(7): 495-501.
  40. Van den Ende J. With a little help of my friend: computerhulp bij koorts na terugkeer uit de tropen. Bijblijven 2015; 31(7): 502-509.
  41. Van den Ende J, Huits R. De tol van dodelijke infectieziekten wereldwijd. Bijblijven 2015; 31(7): 470-484.
  42. Vlieghe E. Ongewenste souvenirs. MagUZA’ 2015;(101): 20-22.

Other publications

  1. Thapa S, Hannes K, Cargo M, Buvé A, Mathei C. Effect of stigma reduction intervention strategies on HIV test-uptake in low and middle-income countries: a realist review. [York]: University of York. Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, 2015: 6 pp.
  2. Van Gompel A, De Keyser F, Joos R. Vaccinatiegids voor patiënten met een reumatische aandoening behandeld met immunosuppressieve medicatie. Abbvie: [Wavre], 2015: 23 pp.